
Follow The following quilting patterns are from external sources and are not created by me. I have provided the links to the original designers who have kindly offered their patterns for free. Please direct any inquiries about the quilting techniques to the respective designers.

Arkansas Crossroads Quilt Block


Arkansas Crossroads - 12" Quilt Block

The next block in our Quilt Blocks of the States series is a simple four-patch pattern.  


Fabric Key:

Cutting Instructions:



Cut four 3-1/2" squares.



Cut four 3-1/2" squares.



Cut four 3-1/2" squares.



Cut two 6-1/2" squares.

Sewing Instructions:

Step 1: With a pencil (or your favorite marking method), draw a diagonal line from corner to corner on the wrong side of each green 3-1/2" square.

Step 2: With right sides together, layer a green 3-1/2" square on a cream 6-1/2" square at the upper left corner.  Sew along the line that you drew in Step 1.  Trim away the excess green and cream fabric 1/4" above the seam and press the seam allowance toward the darker fabric as shown below.

Step 3:  With right sides together, layer a green 3-1/2" square on the lower right corner.  Sew along the line that you drew in Step 1.  Trim away the excess green and cream fabric 1/4" above the seam and press the seam allowance toward the darker fabric as shown below.

Step 4:  Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 for a total of two cream/green diagonal stripe units.

Step 5:  With right sides together, layer a gold 3-1/2" square on a red 3-1/2" and stitch a 1/4" seam along one side.  Press seam toward the darker fabric.  Repeat three more times for a total of four gold/red rectangles.

Step 6:  Arrange two gold/red rectangles to form a four-patch unit as shown below.  Stitch along one long side and press seam to one side.  Repeat once more for a total of two gold/red four-patch units.

Step 7:  Arrange the gold/red four-patch units and cream/green diagonal stripe units as shown in Diagram 1.  With right sides together and using a scant 1/4" seam, sew together to form rows as shown in Diagram 2. Sew rows as shown in Diagram 3 to finish the block.

Diagram 1:

Diagram 2:

Diagram 3:

Your block should measure 12-1/2" on all sides.  It will measure 12" finished size when it is sewn into a quilt.