The photo above © Jill - Jillily Studio |
First, we chose a selection of fabrics. We "shopped" in my cupboard, and at the store. You can make this as scrappy as you like. It's a great one to use a bunch of different fabrics from your stash!

Because we needed it to be bigger than a baby quilt, and faster, we used larger blocks. That means we could use more pieces and more fabric!
Now here's a quick tutorial for making the quilt. I know you know how to do this, but I will tell you anyway! To make one block, start by cutting two squares. You can use any size--we started with 7" to yield a finished block of 12".
Place the squares right sides together, draw a diagonal line on the back of one square. Sew 1/4" away from the line, on both sides.
Cut the square in half on the line. Press the new half-square triangles open. Trim them to
6 1/2" square.
Cut small background squares. We used 3 1/2". Draw that diagonal line again. Place a background square right sides together on one corner of the half square triangle. This time sew right on the line.
Do that again on the opposite side. Trim away the excess leaving a seam allowance of 1/4".

Here's the finished unit. You will have four of these.

Here's a few of Talia's leftover blocks to show how the units can be put together.
Arrange the four units like this to make an "O" block.
(This "O" is different from the one in the book--just simpler.)
Arrange them this way to make your "X" blocks.
Alternate the "x" and "o" blocks. Use as many as you like on each row to make the size of quilt you want. Talia used four across and five down, then added some borders. Isn't the quilting cute?
Now remember that trimming we did after we added the corner triangles? There's a whole new quilt waiting to happen!
Happy Quilting!